Ana-Dil Turkish Teaching Portal

Kuala Lumpur Büyükelçiliği 23.02.2018

Developed by the Open Education Faculty, Anadolu Univesity, the online learning platform Ana-Dil: Türkçe offers opportunities for learning Turkish anytime-anywhere for a wide range of audience including: nearly 90 thousand international students arriving annually at Turkey, over 3 million refugees located in Turkey with limited financial resources for education, individuals residing in Turkic countries and Turkish immigrants scattered all over the world, and everyone wishing to learn the Turkish language and culture in their own pace having fun, through utilizing today’s innovative and connective learning technologies.

Designed in a simple and user-friendly interface, Ana-Dil: Turkish is an online platform that can be utilized as an open educational resource for teaching and learning Turkish as a foreign language. On the platform, learning materials designed for A1 and A2 levels (CEFR) are presented. E-courses, video lessons, audio records and texts and games are developed in ways to help learners have fun while learning Turkish. The platform allows learners to learn in their own pace and control, and does not require high levels of computer literacy at all. Alongside Turkish, the platform also gives multiple language support including English, Arabic and Russian. Although designed for learning Turkish individually at a distance, Ana-Dil: Türkçe offers educational materials for those instructors involved in teaching Turkish as a foreign language in face-to-face educational environments. Anyone wishing to learn or teach Turkish as a foreign language can register and start using the platform right away for free at


Pazartesi - Cuma

09:00 - 12:30 / 14.00 - 17:30

Konsolosluk şubesi başvuru saatleri: Pazartesi-Perşembe 09:30-12:00
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