TEKNOFEST 2nd Annual Aerospace and Technology Festival Invitation

Kuala Lumpur Büyükelçiliği 11.03.2019

TEKNOFEST 2019 Technology Competition Applications Are Now Opened!

TEKNOFEST in its first year, has managed to be the best aviation and technology activity not only in Turkey but in the region, too. Last year, TEKNOFEST has more than 550 thousand participants which has included 700 competitor teams, drone racers from 25 countries, white hat hackers from 24 countries and other technology enthusiasts from 83 different countries. This year also the applications are open for the teams from abroad.

You can visit the following link for TEKNOFEST 2018:


Application Deadline for the Technology Competitions is March 31, 2019.

The competitions come as part of the TEKNOFEST, a space and technology festival organized by the Turkish Technology Team Foundation (T3 Foundation) in partnership with our Ministry, the Under secretariat for Defense Industries of Turkey, and other stakeholders from private and public sectors.

Competitions in 16 different categories are organized for supporting youth's interest within future technologies in the scope of TEKNOFEST, which aims to create technology and science awareness in the whole society and increase trained human resources in the fields of science and engineering.

Winners will be awarded with the final prize over 2 million TL in total. Furthermore, Accommodation and Transportation support will be provided for successful finalist teams.

Visit https://www.teknofestistanbul.org/en for details and applications till March 31, 2019.

The Teknofest Organizing Committee

Turkish Technology Team Foundation

Republic of Turkey

Point of Contact: +90 212 501 94 34


İlgili Dosyalar

Project Detail Report.docx


Project Pre-Evaluation Form.docx

Invitation Letter for Teknofest Competition Malezya.docx


Pazartesi - Cuma

09:00 - 12:30 / 14.00 - 17:30

Konsolosluk şubesi başvuru saatleri: Pazartesi-Perşembe 09:30-12:00
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